Friday, 16 September 2016

skiing might be better than my Chromebook

you might be thinking as soon as you read this that I'm mad, but no about everybody agrees with me that skiing might better and it might be hard to learn or hurt a lot but once you learn it it is amazing.

On the 9/9/2016 we set up to go climb temple basin it wasn't the worse hike that I've done but we with are whole class so for many it was like struggle for everybody and there was me gladly looking around and enjoying it with all the energy in the world but soon as we were up then we unpacked and got to skiing.

A lot of people didn't know how to ski but it was still fun also me being one of them. day one I was bad at skiing every was except a handful of students that were good so there I was running up the hill then go straight down and crash this happened all day but love it ever there I was cold,tired,wet but laughing my head of it was the most fun I've had outdoors but it wasn't just great outside but inside was great the people the game the food the water and the bunk rooms were OK for being not a hotel but a clean it yourself room.

Day 2 a great sleep for a bunch of kids no yelling not much snoring nobody was terrible at being roommates
a great breakfast . Seed of skiing in the morning we were playing in the ice for the whole morning it was run up the hill and if you slide down it was not yay it was more like aw aw aw aw and  being in pain then skiing trying to learn to pizza and turn.

Day 3 anthor great sleep and ski day but we soon had to back down and it was sad i wound to stay then go

1 comment:

  1. A positive and interesting account of your awesome ski trip Cam. Sounds like a good time was had by all.
